Bulgarian School of Seattle and Blackboard

Bulgarian School of Seattle and Blackboard are working together to tailor the educational technology services provided by Blackboard to serve the specifics needed by the educators at the Bulgarian School of Seattle. Based on the established collaboration, Bulgarian School of Seattle has integrated the following platforms in its curriculum and programs:

Test Preparation for ALTA proficiency nationwide

This program provided prepares high school students across the USA for the ALTA proficiency tests which are administered by the Bulgarian School of Seattle in partnership with schools and districts in almost every state and are aligned with ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines. The registration for the exam starts in the month of April of each school year through the Bulgarian School of Seattle web site followed by the Assessment Day taken in student’s home school.

Planning to take ALTA Assessment in 2019? Please provide us with your contact information no later then the end of December 2018 if interested in to be considered taking ALTA 2019 Assessment in your home school (student name, home school and district information needed).

  • Level 1, Novice to Intermediate
  • Level 2, Intermediate to Advanced

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